Tuesday, April 19, 2022

FRENCH MARIGOLD Tagetes patula

I was never a fan of marigolds growing up. They just seemed so...common. They didn't have the majesty of the cut flowers nor the floral ambiance of others. However, as a gardener, I have come to adore these plants and have depended upon their presence as a pest repellant [wrong!] They are possibly the most important flower I grow.  

The main two varieties of marigold are French Tagetes patula and African Tagetes erecta. The heritage French varieties are smaller and supposedly more pest repellant. The showier newer varieties have lost much of their aromatic qualities. The African are larger and showier. I only grow French.

Research has shown that growing marigolds as a pest repellant is a gardening myth. However, most gardeners would disagree, as their anecdotal evidence is strong. This is most likely due not to repellant properties, but the attractant qualities that bring in beneficial insects that do their job. Same outcome.

Research does prove them beneficial in lowering plant-parasitic nematodes in soil.


Marigolds are one of the easiest plants to grow. They germinate easily, transplant well, direct sow well, are not picky about growing conditions and can handle heat.

They should not be grown in shade nor watered from overhead, as they are susceptible to powdery mildew. For more blooms, deadheading will help, but is not necessary.

They should NOT be grown with beans, as a chemical produced by their roots will stunt the growth of the beans.


French marigold is planted in mass a season before planting tomatoes, garlic, onion, strawberry, snap bean, cucumber and squash to lower plant-parasitic nematodes. It is used prolifically by gardeners as a companion plant to attract beneficial insects and pollinators and as a trap crop for aphids and other pests.

It is used as an ornamental flower in containers, borders, and flower gardens. Marigolds can be used as a cut flower. Making sure to remove all leaves below the water line so they don't stink as the leaves rot quickly in water. The flowers can also be dried upside down and used in dried arrangements.

The only marigold that is edible is calendula. French and African marigolds are NOT EDIBLE nor medicinal.

Final Thoughts

I grow a LOT of marigolds for my garden and interplant them throughout my garden. I was very surprised to find out that research did not support marigolds as being pest repellant. As gardeners have said for so very many years, there is something about them that is beneficial to gardens. Whether it is as nematode control, trap crop, beneficial insect attractant, or just looking pretty, I will always have them prolific in my garden.


Tgetes patula
Type: Annual
Uses: Beneficial insect attractant, reduce parasitic nematodes
Hardiness Zone: 2-11
Germination: Can be started indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost and transplanted out after frost date
Seed Prep: None
Seed Depth: 1 inch
Germination Time: 7-14 days
Growing Temp: 70-75°F
Height: 6-24 inches Spread: 8-12 inches
Spacing: 8-10 inches
Sunlight: Full sun for best flowering, potential for powdery mildew in shade
Water Requirements: Average, drought tolerant, don't over water
Soil Quality: Average, well-drained, but not picky
Soil Chemistry: 5.6-7.5
Fertilize: Not needed
Growth Rate: Fast, reaches full maturity in 8 weeks
Bloomtime: Summer Attracts: Pollinators; beneficial insects lady bugs, hover flies, parasitic wasps Critter Resistant: Repels plant-parasitic nematodes [proven], deer
Critter Attractant: Slugs, pest insects
Harvest: Flowers
Pruning: Pinch back early to encourage branching, deadhead regularly
Pests: Spider mites, aphids, Japanese beetles, white fly, rape blossom beetles, cutworms, white fringed beetle, lygus bug, six-spotted leafhopper, potato leafhopper, cyclamen mite, blister beetle
Diseases: Powdery mildew
Reseeds: Yes, aggressively
Propagation: Seeds
Garden Style: English cottage, wildflower, containers, border
Companions: Most vegetables, may inhibit the growth of some herbs and will stunt the growth of beans
Allergy Potential: Topical rash in some people

Thursday, April 7, 2022

GERMAN CHAMOMILE Matricaria chamomilla

The first time I grew chamomile, I fell in love. The scent, the taste and the look of the plant all just bring a bit of sunshine into even the most gloomy day. It is pretty, pollinator attracting, one of the most ancient medicinal plants and a must-have in the garden. I love the apple-y taste of the flowers and eat them right off the plant.

We are talking about German Chamomile, which is used as an herb. Roman Chamomile is used mainly as a perennial ground cover.


Chamomile likes cooler weather in the 60s, but is drought and heat tolerant. It is a very hardy plant that once established, and is difficult to neglect to death. As a self-seeding annual, it acts like a perennial in that once you plant it, you will have it back year after year. It prefers rich soil and to not be over watered. While it flowers more in full sun, in areas that have consistent temperatures over 100F, partial shade in the afternoon is recommended.

The seeds require light for germination and consistent moisture, so seeds are not covered. For this reason, starting indoors up to 6 weeks before last frost under a humidity dome may be the best bet on germination for a new bed. Since they reseed aggressively, you should only have to plant once and you'll get a continuous progression of volunteers.

Chamomile can get leggy and floppy, so it is not a good specimen or focal plant. It works best where more sturdy plants can help keep it propped up.

Reaching maturity at just 10 weeks, the flowers are harvested and eaten fresh, or dried or frozen for future use. The leaves are edible, but may be too bitter to taste.


Chamomile is commonly paired with other herbs as a tea.

Final Thoughts

If you've never had fresh chamomile, you are in for a treat. The store bought teas just aren't the same. The smell and flavor are simply wonderful. A proliferation of daisy-like flowers swaying in the breeze, scenting the air with their lovely aroma, is an experience to be enjoyed.


Matricaria chamomilla
Type: Annual
Uses: Medicinal, border, tea, edible flower, oil in beauty products & aromatherapy
Hardiness Zone: 2-9
Germination: Can be started indoors 6 weeks before last frost and transplanted out after frost date
Seed Prep:
Seed Depth: NONE, needs light to germinate
Germination Time: 7-14 days
Growing Temp: 60-68°F, doesn't do well over 100°F
Height: 8-24 inches Spread: 8-12 inches
Spacing: 8 inches
Sunlight: Full sun for best flowering, partial shade in intense heat areas
Water Requirements: Average, drought tolerant, don't over water
Soil Quality: Rich organic
Soil Chemistry: 5.6-7.5
Fertilize: Not needed
Growth Rate: Fast, reaches full maturity in 10 weeks
Bloomtime: Summer Attracts: Butterflies, bees Critter Resistant: Repels cucumber pests, cabbage moth and mosquitos
Critter Attractant: Pollinators hoverflies, beneficial wasps, ladybugs, butterflies, bumble bees and honey bees
Harvest: Flowers, leaves but they may be bitter
Pruning: Deadhead regularly
Pests: Aphids and thrips rarely
Diseases: Botrytis blight,
Reseeds: Yes, aggressively
Propagation: Seeds
Garden Style: English cottage, wildflower
Companions: Brassicas and cucumber as pest deterrent; increases the essential oil basil, rosemary and mint produces when planted together
Allergy Potential: Rare cases of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) have occurred in people who consumed or came into contact with chamomile products. People are more likely to experience allergic reactions to chamomile if they're allergic to related plants such as ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, or daisies


Pet Bunny Supplies

Tammie bought one of my Silver Fox rabbit kits yesterday for her daughter's birthday today. As a new rabbit grandma, she was curious as ...